Redefine Boxes


It is not unusual to have to change the amounts displayed in the boxes of any of the three government forms - RL-1, T4, and T4A - and so, for various reasons.

In order to do this, we use what we call the Redefine Boxes option: it is therefore possible to select a box and modify its value by adding an amount or variable to a preexisting one, adding a completely new variable or amount, or even creating a new box, which does not automatically appear on the form (i.e. T4A forms).

The following procedure will tackle the creation of box redefinition.

Printable Document




maestro* > Time Management > Payroll > T4 and RL-1 > Print T4 and RL-1 > Redefine boxes


  1. Firstly, choose the file for which you want to redefine boxes.
    Using the scroll-down menu, in the Filters / Default Values section, select the desired form.

Concerning the next steps, it is always possible to enter the information directly in the Filters / Default Values section (if multiple redefinition lines are needed for the same box) or directly in the Details grid, under the Box column (in order to modify multiple boxes in the same form).

  1. Choose the Box you want to redefine.
  2. Choose the affected company (if in multidimensional mode).
  3. Choose the Province.
  4. If needed, choose the affected employement insurance rate.
  5. Choose one of the following four choices:
    • Enter a Committee;
    • Enter a Work Category;
    • Enter an Employee number;
    • Enter non of the preceding values (committee, work category, employee number) and the system will apply the box redefinition to all employees working in the selected company and province, and for the selected employment insurance rate.

You must, under no circumstances, enter information for all choices; you must enter information for a single choice only, orelse the system will perform the wrong calculations.

  1. There are also various options for the formula:
    1. Enter the total amount desired in the Formula column;
    2. To add a variable or amount to the default formula, click on the ellipsis (...) to the right of the Formula column.

  1. To lower the default formula to the input screen, click on the small blue arrow, in the top right corner of the screen;
  2. You can add mathematic operations and parentheses using the keyboard keys;
  3. To add an existing maestro* variable, double-clic on it in the Variable column, and it will appear in the input screen;
  4. It is also possible to add an amount directly in the output screen without using variables;
  5. When you are satisfied by the formula, click on Ok.
  6. The formula will appear in the Formula column of the Redefine Boxes option.
  1. Save your changes.


See Also


Last modification: February 20, 2025